This Apple Walnut Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing is a delicious winter salad recipe that's packed with healthy greens, fruit, nuts, sweet...
Give meatballs the Indian treatment in this easy curry recipe. Serve with plenty of veggies for a healthy dinner. Each serving provides 220kcal, 29g protein,...
Ham loaf may not be the most appetizing name, but my ham loaf with tasty brown sugar Dijon glaze is totally delicious! The tangy-sweet Dijon glaze will...
This flavorful Gordon Ramsay Shepherd's Pie is a fantastic, classic recipe that he has shared through multiple videos including his popular 'F Word'...
Easy Shrimp Tacos are the perfect simple dinner for busy weeknights! Plump, juicy shrimp are cooked in a flavorful spice blend then wrapped in warm flour...
This EASY baked garlic parmesan crusted salmon recipe is ready in just 20 minutes! You'll love this perfectly flaky salmon fillet with garlicky parmesan...
Quick, easy, and totally flavorful, these chipotle lime shrimp bowls with brown rice, black beans, tomatoes and avocado have just the right level of adobo...
Sate (or Satay) is originated in Indonesia and has become a worldwide known name for a grilled dish which's put on a bamboo skewers, quickly grilled...
If you're in the market for a good, basic chili recipe, this one is it! This chuck roast chili is studded with big pieces of beef, chiles and black beans...
The delicious Easy Cuban Sandwich is layered with two kinds of pork, loads of melted swiss cheese, pickles, and mustard. Toasted in butter and pressed...
Beer, cheese and pasta is definitely a winning combination, don't ya think? Enter this delicious creamy baked mac and cheese recipe! This baked pasta...
Grilled Spicy Lime Shrimp with Creamy Avocado Cilantro Sauce has a simple but full of flavor and spice marinade. The creamy avocado cilantro sauce is the...
Spanish Rice and Beans uses pantry staples to create a nutritious and flavorful one pot meal. Vegetarian, gluten free, and a complete source of plant protein,...
Chinese Almond Chicken, aka Detroit Almond Chicken, ABC Chicken or Almond Boneless Chicken, is a dish with fried chicken and mushroom gravy served over...
Creamy Roasted Butternut Squash Pasta with Sausage and Spinach is a perfect Autumn comfort food. This easy and flavorful recipe is packed with veggies...
Do you know how to cook frog legs? This ingredient might be controversial but also highly delicious! Here's my favorite frog legs recipe with garlic...
A recipe for homemade mango chutney made with fresh chopped mangoes, sweet and spicy chili peppers and plenty of seasonings. It is sweet and savory and...
Apple cider turkey brine brings a new level of flavor and juiciness to your Thanksgiving or holiday bird. This brine is easy to prepare because it's simply...
Vermicelli noodles (Bun Ga Nuong) topped with your favorite veggies and Vietnamese lemongrass chicken. Laced with Nuoc Cham, the famous dipping sauce that's...
Tired of dried out, falling apart turkey burgers? Then this flavor packed, healthy, sticks-together-and-doesn't-fall-apart turkey burger is the one for...
This Simple Chicken and Snow Pea Stir-Fry is the answer to a quick-fix dinner meal. Packed with crunchy veggies and an authentic tasting Chinese savory...